BITS Meetings' Virtual Library:
Abstracts from Italian Bioinformatics Meetings from 1999 to 2013

766 abstracts overall from 11 distinct proceedings

Display Abstracts | Brief :: Order by Meeting | First Author Name
1. Bonnici V, Di Natale R, Ferro A, Giugno R, Mongiovi M, Pigola G, Pulvirenti A, Shasha D
Enhancing Graph Database Indexing By Suffix Tree Structure
Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009
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Topic: Databases, Ontologies, Tools and Applications

Abstract: Missing

2. Di Natale R, Ferro A, Giugno R, Mongiovì M, Pulvirenti A, Sharan R, Shasha D
Exact and inexact subgraph matching in large networks
Meeting: Proceedings of BITS 2010 Meeting - Year: 2010
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Topic: Systems Biology

Abstract: Missing

3. Ferro A, Forte S, Giugno R, Laganà A, Pulvirenti A, Barbagallo D, Di Pietro C, Majorana A, Purrello M, Ragusa M, Bonci D, De Maria R, Pagliuca A
Prediction of human targets for viral encoded microRNAs by thermodynamics and empirical constraints
Meeting: BITS 2007 - Year: 2007
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Topic: Structural and functional analysis of genomes

Abstract: Missing

4. Laganà A, Forte S, Papa A, Giugno R, Pulvirenti A, Shasha D, Ferro A
Design of highly specific synthetic miRNAs
Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009
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Topic: Databases, Ontologies, Tools and Applications

Abstract: Missing

5. Laganà A, Giudice A, Forte S, Veneziano D, Russo F, Catania V, Giugno R, Pulvirenti A, Shasha D, Ferro A
The miRò project: towards a unified resource for miRNA research
Meeting: Proceedings of BITS 2010 Meeting - Year: 2010
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Topic: Biological Databases and Biobanks

Abstract: Missing

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